Leveraging your Agent Quartiles

NICE Fizzback Business Transformation helps our existing clients to utilise best practices in reporting and analysis to achieve more effective insight-led action: in both broader strategic considerations and the day-to-day performance management of agents on the call centre floor.

One of the most powerful ways of looking at performance is to segregate individuals into quartiles by VoC performance and use these cohorts as a basis for cross inspection with any number of operational metrics.

NICE Fizzback compared a population of cash collection agents – whose mandate is to collect funds due from customers in the B2B environment – by considering their VoC quartile in addition to their cash collection performance and their average call handle time. The results paint a fascinating picture of the relationship between VoC and operational metrics.

Quartile 1 agents delight their customers; receiving high scores for their own personal performance and its reflection of the company - but this comes at the cost of lengthy call handle times and below-par levels of cash collection. Takeaway: train in more effective cash collection.

Quartile 2 agents sit in the optimum VoC-operational groove: achieving above-average customer ratings, collecting the most cash – and doing all of this across the lowest call handle time. Takeaway: reward & recognise performance.

Quartile 3 agents perform well in terms of cash collection and call handle time – but are below average in the eyes of the customer. Takeaway:  work on customer manner.

Quartile 4 agents exhibit the worst scores in the eyes of the customer – and in this case compound poor VoC scores with lower than average cash collection at the highest average call handle time. Takeaway: monitor performance closely & look for imminent improvement.

This is undoubtedly a case of how a synergised consideration of Operational and VoC metrics as a cohesive tranche of analysis provides more value than the sum of the parts – and NICE Fizzback harness this cohesion to provide cutting edge performance management insights to our growing client base.

Andrew Robson
For more info on NICE Fizzback please visit www.nice.com/fizzback