Taking a Look at Customer Transformation

So, 2012 has started with a boom for the NICE Fizzback Transformation Team.

Hi, I am Lee Mostari and I head up the Customer Transformation Team at NICE Fizzback. I am a new contributor to this blog aimed at sharing some of the best practices I see driving improvements to the Customer Experience of NICE Fizzback customers. I also aim to share some of the tangible results NICE Fizzback customers are delivering using the NICE Fizzback market leading Customer Experience Management solution. If I come across any new emerging trends in Customer Experience, I’ll be sure to let you know what I find!!

My exciting role takes me to all corners of the globe, meeting the key influencers in the CEM space. In 2011, I made various trips to the US, Canada as well as adding a stamp in my passport from Australia, UAE, Egypt, and Turkey. I have gathering new ideas and shared best practices with our global clients. 2012 looks like more of the same with the addition of a road trip around North America in the coming weeks.

Using client customer feedback data, we analyze key trends and satisfaction drivers to understand where our clients are able to make improvements within their business to deliver value to their customers and their bottom line. We identify best practices from our own practical application of using customer feedback in an operational environment and learning how other NICE Fizzback users get the best from their Customer Experience programs.

From this extensive understanding of best practice, the team are responsible for delivering truly transformational Voice of the Customer initiatives to all our customers.

I will be back in touch shortly to share some successes from my recent projects, share the details about a number of Executive Breakfast Briefings NICE is hosting and to share some of our thought leadership.

Lee Mostari

For more info on NICE Systems Customer Feedback Solutions please visit www.nice.com/fizzback