Online reviews: The real price of customer advocacy

Recent news reports have thrown up a number of stories relating to online, or should I say fake online reviews on sites such as Amazon, Facebook and most prominently Google. The first report which sparked my interest was an article on the Statesman website, about an Austin gutter company filing a law suit over a customer’s negative online review. The article relates to a review that was posted by someone going by the name of Norma Lee and accused the company of bogus customer reviews on the site. The company involved are filing a law suit against them for slander.

A second article a couple of weeks later on The Denver Channel news website, told of a woman who has admitted she was paid to post five star reviews on the Google feedback site by a local business. This has then been followed by a number of reports of new algorithms to help locate and flag online reviews which were likely to be fake.

Whether the above companies are guilty or not of what they have been accused of is not something which needs discussing here, but the very fact they are being widely reported demonstrates the high likelihood and sadly believability that some businesses are carrying out this practice.

Undoubtedly companies are aware of the value of online reviews and although these are isolated cases it is a worrying demonstration of the length companies will go to and the risks they are willing to take to create advocates of their service on the web. It is also hard to argue with the value of these reviews; NICE Fizzback’s research points towards online reviewers reaching a huge audience (especially on the aforementioned sites) and also having an influence over the buying process.

But despite the benefits there is no easy or crooked replacement to creating genuine customer advocacy both online and in customer’s everyday lives. Ultimately, as our research demonstrates online reviews are by no means the most influential of type of advocate that there is - and most of the above you cannot fake!

After all aren’t genuine advocates, generated by an excellent customer experience the healthiest and most profitable business model you can follow. And it is solutions such as NICE Fizzback’s Customer Experience Management offering that enables business to achieve this, by listening to the whole Voice of the Customer and driving business improvements. 

Tom Lynam

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