Step 1: KPI Mapping
Various channels typically have different types and amount of KPIs being measured. SMS surveys, for example, are shorter in the number of questions asked compared to email-to-web surveys, so selection of one or two common KPIs that are most impactful from a business perspective is advised (e.g.: churn reduction and/or revenue growth).
Step 2: KPI Calibration
There are several possible approaches to KPI calibration:
- Algorithmic Conversion – developing a method for converting scores to a single system
- Weighted Average – a single target considering the importance of each channel
- Separate Targets – approaching the solutions as independent entities with different targets
The three approaches represent a trade-off between unity and simplicity.
There are advantages and disadvantages to using each approach, which should be evaluated before making a choice. In some cases, the solution can be not just one approach but a combination. NICE Fizzback helps clients in the decision process based on their strategic goals, processes and culture. The benefits of multi-channel calibration have an enormous impact at the strategic and operational levels, enabling to provide a more consistent customer experience.
Elena Belkina
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