Multi-channel Calibration

When it comes to gathering feedback through multiple communication channels, every methodology delivers different results. This can lead to several business challenges, such as lack of business direction and poor employee morale (especially when bonuses depend on these results). In order to overcome these hurdles, NICE Fizzback proposes a two-step approach to calibrating multi-channel results:

Step 1: KPI Mapping

Various channels typically have different types and amount of KPIs being measured. SMS surveys, for example, are shorter in the number of questions asked compared to email-to-web surveys, so selection of one or two common KPIs that are most impactful from a business perspective is advised (e.g.: churn reduction and/or revenue growth).

Step 2: KPI Calibration

There are several possible approaches to KPI calibration:

  • Algorithmic Conversion – developing a method for converting scores to a single system
  • Weighted Average – a single target considering the importance of each channel
  • Separate Targets – approaching the solutions as independent entities with different targets  

The three approaches represent a trade-off between unity and simplicity.

There are advantages and disadvantages to using each approach, which should be evaluated before making a choice. In some cases, the solution can be not just one approach but a combination. NICE Fizzback helps clients in the decision process based on their strategic goals, processes and culture. The benefits of multi-channel calibration have an enormous impact at the strategic and operational levels, enabling to provide a more consistent customer experience.

Elena Belkina

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