At Fizzback we believe that creating the ultimate Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution can be achieved by following five steps. And although these steps seem on the face of it quite simple, we believe that only one CEM provider can turn these steps into reality and harness the power of the Voice of the Customer, transforming feedback into satisfied and loyal customers.
These steps were revealed at a recent leading CEM event in London by Fizzback CEO Rob Keve. During the presentation Rob gave more details about his ‘5 Steps to CEM Greatness’:
1. March to the Beat – make sure the feedback you receive is actionable, not just towards your customers, but also for your employees.
2. Everyone Counts – the only way to ensure high quality and actionable feedback is to poll every customer.
3. Right Here, Right Now – the value of feedback dramatically decreases the further away from the point of experience that you poll the customer. To fully understand the voice of the customer you must poll customers immediately after the experience.
4. Take it to the Board – the voice of the customer is not only useful to an insight team, it can be utilised across the boardroom in retail, customer services and marketing departments.
5. Noise to Signal – use your collected feedback to great effect with in-depth analysis. With high volumes of high quality feedback, gain great insight into the key drivers of churn and customer dissatisfaction.
In the upcoming months The Fizzback Blog will look at these 5 steps in greater detail and the team will share their thought leading insights on how to achieve ‘CEM Greatness’.
Tom Lynam